Agenda 09-27-2021
COVID Numbers 09/21/2022
There were 43 new COVID cases in Bond County in the past week. Age # Cases <= 5 1 6-12 3 13-19 8 20’s 10 30’s 4 40’s 4 50’s 9 60’s 4
Bond County Numbers 9/14/21
There were 54 new cases for the past week. Age # Cases <= 5 2 6-12 9 13-19 8 20’s 13 30’s 9 40’s 5 50’s 5 60’s 3
COVID Numbers 09/07/2021
Bond County received reports of 46 new COVID positive individuals in the past week. We were also saddened to learn of one life lost. Thank you for your continued efforts to follow the mitigation strategies.
COVID Numbers 08/31/2021
Bond County has seen 50 new cases of COVID-19 in the past week, with one hospitalization. We continue to offer COVID-19 vaccinations as well as testing. Visit our website or call to make an appointment. Please mask, socially distance and stay safe!
Board Minutes 08/23/2021
COVID NUMBERS 08/24/2021
Bond County has seen 53 new COVID cases in the past week. Total cases to date: 2,412. We are sad to report there has been one new death.
3rd Dose vs. Booster
Agenda 08/23/2021
COVID Numbers 08/17/2021
Bond County has had 32 new COVID positive persons in the past week. Since the beginning of the pandemic Bond County has had 2,359 COVID positive persons.