Please watch the following video on “How COVID-19 Can Spread in a Community”
Attached is the plan released by the Governor’s office for reopening Illinois.
A letter from Bond County Board of Health Chairman, Dr. Dawdy, to the citizens of Bond County:
To My Fellow Citizens of Bond County Please be aware the Executive Orders of the Governor remain in place and the Illinois Department of Public Health and Bond County Board of Health support those principles. I do not know what the legal, licensure, or liability consequences of defying those orders will be now or down […]
Current guidelines proposed by IDPH on testing for COVID 19
Face Covering Do’s & Don’ts
NEWS RELEASE 03/30/2020
NEWS RELEASE 03/30/2020 BOND COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Confirmation has been received by the Bond County Health Department of a second positive COVID-19 case in Bond County. This person is a male in his 70’s. County officials are taking necessary steps to ensure close contacts are made aware. Close contact includes, living in the same household […]
For Immediate Release First Case 03-28
Bond County Health Department, along with the Illinois Department of Public Health has identified the first confirmed positive case of COVID-19 within Bond County. The patient is a female in her 30’s who is a resident of Bond County. She has not had any international travel and is only reporting mild symptoms at this time. […]
HSHS Important Notice
With the spike in novel Coronavirus cases throughout Illinois including the southern Illinois region, St. Joseph’s Hospital Breese and Highland and Holy Family Hospital Greenville are no longer allowing visitors into the hospital effective on March 21 at 6 a.m. HSHS St. Joseph’s Hospital Breese and Highland and HSHS Holy Family Hospital Greenville No Longer […]
National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month reminds us that early detection is key. According to the American Cancer Society, more than a million people in the United States count themselves as survivors. While early detection and treatments make a difference, there is more that can be done. Knowing the causes and risk factors help prevent colorectal […]
IDPH Healthcare Partners The IDPH Office of Preparedness and Response continues to review and distribute guidance to our healthcare partners for the purpose of information and education. Information is robust and readily available for you to use and is frequently being updated. Partnering with your Regional Healthcare Coalitions and other partners is a great way […]