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Board of Health May 2021 Minutes



Minutes Via Zoom Meeting

May 17, 2021

Those in attendance:

Members:      T. Dawdy                                Others:           S. Eifert, Administrator

                        W. Ahern                                                        S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant

                        M. McCullough                                              S. Stilt, Greenville Advocate

                        A. Oestreich                                                   

                        M. Bleyer                                                       

                        T. Hall                                                

                        R. Nehrt                                                                     

                        W. Pourchot

                        D. Lippert

                        J. Kirkham

Members Absent:                 

                        E. Korte

T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.

Minutes of April 26, 2021

T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes with corrections.  J. Kirkham moved to accept the April 26, 2021 minutes with corrections. R. Nehrt seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Executive Session

W. Ahern made a motion to move into executive session at 6:37 p.m. for the purpose of personnel matters.  A. Oestreich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

A. Oestreich made a motion to return to regular session at 8:17 p.m. M. McCullough seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Administrator’s Report

S. Eifert stated that the bureau of accreditation is here this week out of DHS.  They relicense our mental health program every 5 years.  Several of our grants have changed this year and have been opened up for competitive bid.  The crisis staffing grant has been eliminated and replaced with a crisis care system grant.  This is a much more extensive grant program. The previous grant was approximately $38,000, we have applied for 200,000.  The application process was very complex, so we do not know if we will be successful.  We have five vaccine clinics scheduled for this week.  S. Eifert stated we have two vacancies that need filled, the home health director and janitor position.

Financial Report

S. Eifert state that April was a three-payroll month, but we only realized a small deficit of $14,476.  S. Eifert stated for the month of April, we ended with a cash balance of $1,021,204.  Fund 07 had a loss of $24,314, Fund 08 had a loss of $21,680, and Fund 09 had a gain of $31,295.79.  S. Eifert stated the budget and status report has been included in the packet.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to receive and file the invoices and approve the financial report as submitted.  T. Hall moved to receive and file the invoices and accept the financial report as submitted.  W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 

Old Business

Covid-19 update

S Eifert stated as of today IDPH showed 9,758 vaccines have been administered in Bond County, and 4,731 have been fully vaccinated.  This is 28.45% of the population.  We have had 12 new cases in the past week, with a total to date of 2,215 positives.                                                                                                                                                            

New Business

IPLAN update

B. Strieker presented the organizational capacity self-assessment and the organizational action plan to the board of health.  The worksheet helps you through the process and also helps to evaluate how the health department is doing.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the organizational capacity self-assessment and the organizational action plan.  J. Kirkham moved to approve the organizational capacity self-assessment and the organizational action plan.  W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.  B. Strieker also presented the cataloging and coordinating agency policy and procedures to the board of health.  This provides a standard format for the development of policies and procedures including the initial approval and review process.  The board stated the policies were well presented.  T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the cataloging and coordinating agency policy and procedures.  M. Bleyer moved to approve the cataloging and coordinating agency policy and procedures.  W. Pourchot seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Next Meeting
The next board of health meeting is scheduled for June 28 at 6:30 p.m.


At 8:53 p.m. W. Pourchot made a motion to adjourn the meeting. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

T. Hall, DO


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