Minutes Via Zoom Meeting
February 22, 2021
Those in attendance:
Members: T. Dawdy Others: S. Eifert, Administrator
W. Ahern S. Hediger, Administrative Assistant
D. Lippert M. Zeeb, Director of Finance
A. Oestreich S. Wight, Technology Director
M. Bleyer B. Dryer, Murphy Company
J. Kirkham S. Stilt, Greenville Advocate
W. Pourchot
R. Nehrt
T. Hall
Members Absent:
M. McCullough
T. Dawdy called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m.
Minutes of February 1, 2021
T. Dawdy asked for a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. J. Kirkham moved to accept the February 1, 2021 minutes as submitted. W. Ahern seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
HVAC System
S. Eifert stated the Health Department has had issues with the HVAC system for quite some time. Murphy, who has been servicing our system for years, has recommended an upgraded front-end area controller. B. Dryer from Murphy stated the existing control system is outdated, and there are no software patches for this. The new controller is web based and user friendly. This would allow for each area to be able to control its own. B. Dryer gave a brief presentation of the new controller and how it works.
S. Eifert stated it is time to complete the IPLAN again. IDPH requires this for continued certification. Barb Strieker was hired to help with the IPLAN process and to assist with the quality assurance compliance. B. Strieker gave an update on the current cycle of the IPLAN. The IPLAN will need to be submitted by September 1, 2021. We will work on the IPLAN with HSHS, as we are on the same cycle. The first step in the process it to plan a community advisory meeting in March. Also, in March and April, we will have some focus groups and obtain some community input. B. Strieker stated she will bring information to the board prior for approval, also to ask for input.
Administrator’s Report/Financial Report
S. Eifert stated for the month of January, we ended with an overall decrease of $16,751.53 for an ending balance of $778,963.31. The CURES and Contact Tracing expenditures have to be spent before we can submit for reimbursement. These totaled $239,118.91. Dental and Mental Health seem to be performing better. Mental Health still has a negative balance, but has made a significant improvement. The biggest concern now is Home Health and the new payment model. We have made some adjustments and do believe we will get there. T. Dawdy asked for a motion to approve the financial report as submitted. W. Ahern moved to accept the financial report as submitted. A. Oestreich seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Covid-19 update
S. Eifert stated we are not receiving the vaccine like we would like too. We have only received 200 doses in the past couple weeks. As of today, we have administered a total of 2815 doses in Bond County, with 580 being fully vaccinated. This is 3.49% of the population. Currently we have zero vaccines in inventory, but we our scheduled to receive 200 tomorrow. Once the drive through vaccination facility is completed, we will utilize it for testing and administering the vaccine.
Old Business
New Business
HVAC System
The board recommends having the whole system evaluated. This would include the heat pumps, zones, and air flow. S. Eifert stated he will talk with Steve from Enertec and then write up a scope of work and send to the building and grounds committee. Once it is approved, S. Eifert will then send the scope of work to a couple companies and ask for a bid.
Recommendation for Board Vacancy
S. Eifert stated that Karla Plage’s sister-in-law Emily Korte, has expressed interest in filling Karla’s vacancy on our board. Emily works at HSHS as an RN in quality assurance and compliance. She is quite passionate on completing the term of her sister-in-law. She is very excited and energetic about filling the vacancy and seems like an excellent addition to the board. W. Ahern would like to recommend submitting Emily Korte to the county board for approval. W. Pourchot seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
Next Meeting
The next board of health meeting is scheduled for March 22 at 6:30 p.m.
At 8:12 p.m. W. Pourchot made a motion to adjourn the meeting. J. Kirkham seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
T. Hall, DO